
Media Matters: The Worst of Pamela Geller

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸7/14/2010 2:25:10 pm PDT

voodoun dolls were used for positive, not negative, sympathetic magic

the talmud also makes a distinction between magic spells for good (approved of) and evil (not approved of), e.g.:

“In Pesahim 112b, we read that one afflicted with an ocular disease should recitethe word shabriri (blindness) repeatedly in the phrase “My mother has cautioned me against shabriri. With each repetition, the speaker should reduce one letter from the word: shabriri, shabrir, shabri, shabr,shab, sha… The magical ritual of reducing the word is intended to yield a parallel reduction in the severity of the illness…

…to fend off an evil water spirit, the Talmud recommends intoning this: “Lulshafan anigeron anirdafon, I dwell among the stars, I walk among thin and fat people (Pesahim 112a).” While the second clause of this spell is strange enough, the first clause of the spell is neither Hebrew nor Aramaic; by all indications it is just gibberish. This feature, common to Greco-Roman magic, emerges in Jewish circles in late antiquity.”