
GOP Pushing Mandatory Invasive Ultrasound Legislation in Pennsylvania Too

garhighway2/21/2012 12:38:12 pm PST

re: #86 mattand

Paraphrase from my Twitter page about this article:

Every so often I have a Southeast PA resident get in my face about how rotten they think NJ is.* Next time that happens I’m going to remind them about this horseshit. First the Dover Intelligent Design case, and now this.

We’ve got our problems in NJ, but we haven’t sunk this low yet.**

*Not everyone is like this. However, the outright hostility towards NJ that some people display borders on bigotry (and I don’t use that word lightly).

**I’m not wild about Christie’s gay marriage veto, but I’d like to think he’s against unnecessary invasive medical procedures. He may prove me wrong, however.

Christie’s willingness to pander to the religious right is directly correlated with his intention to run for president in 2016.