
Thursday Afternoon Hopin'

Throbert McGee1/29/2009 3:51:27 pm PST

re: #862 avanti

There was the drunk college kid that whipped out a small Soviet flag for a second while on camera, but the other kids took it away.

Heh-heh! Years ago I gave my ex a Soviet Army winter hat that I’d gotten in Moscow. (The generic Russian name for this kind of winter hat with earflaps, by the way, whether military-style faux-fur, or real fur, or fleece, is ушанкаushánka, pronounced like “ew-SHONK-uh”)

He showed up wearing it when he came down from NYC for the Obama Coronation — but he’d taken the hammer-and-sickle insignia off, lest anyone think that an Obama supporter was an actual Commie.