
Melanie Phillips Takes a Wrong Turn on 'Intelligent Design' Creationism

Kosh's Shadow5/03/2009 7:55:59 pm PDT

re: #863 buzzsawmonkey

One Tin Soldier

Here’s my parody, of that

Listen, Children, to a story
That was written recently
Of a nation and its people
Who lived rich and free

Then the nation they elected
A president commie
And he took away their freedoms
They guarded religiously

Go ahead and be a commie
Go ahead enslave your friends
You can do it in the name of progress
And justify it in the end
There won’t be any freedoms ringing
Come election day
On the voting ballot
Obama is all they’d see

Then the people rose in anger
With their teabags they did go
And they showed the commie bastard
And they made him go
Then they raised a standard
Held high above their heads
Showed it to those they rescued
Freedom to Man was all it said

Go ahead and be a commie
Go ahead enslave your friends
You can do it in the name of progress
And justify it in the end
But there will be freedom ringing
Come election day
For the people spoke
And they made us free.