
Snowden's Lawyer Tricked Into Using Fake PGP Key to Send Email

jamjam4/08/2014 11:35:29 am PDT

Remarkable, but not entirely unsurprising. My knowledge in this area is pretty low, but I’d have thought Snowden’s lawyer would be a bit more tech savvy. If only on her famous client’s advice.

OT: (I don’t mean to derail the thread, but I’ve been wanting to comment on the excellent web technology in place here)

While I can’t remark on PGP/email security, what I can comment on, though, is LGF: I’ve been using the ‘Spy mode’ for both threads and the Master Spy mode. Both excellent tools. Not only that, but I’ve been thinking about how well set up LGF is, compared to most blogs. What other comment sites let you change the font styles, insert quotes, strikethroughs, etc, so easily? What other site allows inclusion of images, spell checking, previews, etc?

It is so well set-out that it is, initially, almost hard to notice- particularly as Charles works (probably constantly!) to make subtle improvements here and there. Over the past few weeks I have just been astounded at how technically proficient Charles must be to have set this place up. Really - it is great to be part of this. There are very few websites and web communities out there like this one - it feels genuinely good to be part of the LGF club: it has the look of exclusivity with its high-end appearance (in terms of commenting, reading threads, the menu, etc), but the feel of a neighbourhood (based on how well the posters know each other and the common decency here). Thanks guys - and thanks Charles !

I only wish I could put a site like this together - and in a way I hope LGF stays like it is, with this community feel to it. It is a special place, to be sure.

Looking forward to checking out the features on my tablet and mobile. Using the web developer tools in my browser shows that so much of the goodness here is CSS-based. Incredible, I’ve really got to learn CSS and JavaScript. I’d love to be able to put up a site like this, and I feel a bit of a lunk that my skills in this area are so minimal.

Sorry to go so off-topic! Looking forward to reading the thread.