
Islamophobia, Fox News, and Bogus Statistics

CuriousLurker1/12/2015 10:06:49 am PST

re: #7 lostlakehiker

What does the rate of terrorist activity in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria and Syria have to do with whether or not 98% of terrorist activity in Europe is not related to Islamic extremism?

Nothing, nothing, and nothing.

Really? You need it spelled out? If 82% of all deaths from terrorist attacks occur in 5 countries, then that leaves only 18% spread around the rest of the world. If you have verifiable facts showing that more than 2% of the deaths in 2014 (which is approximately 359 out of 17,958) were attributable to Islamic extremism in Europe, then present them. Otherwise, stop with the distortions, scare mongering, and insults to lawhawk.