
Video: Samantha Bee on the Jeff Sessions Racist Throwback Extravaganza

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/14/2017 8:42:58 pm PST

From the previous thread:

re: #265 Patricia Kayden

What happens when Rightwingers shut down a campus event featuring unpopular speech of Liberal guests? Not sure if this is a good idea. Can’t stand either of them, but shutting them down invites retaliation, imho.

They weren’t “shut down.”

What actually happened is protesters showed up (as is their I Amendment right), and the College Republicans cancelled the event. The College Republicans then went out with a bullhorn to tell everyone (protesters and people waiting to get in) that the event was cancelled.

That was then spun into “liberals shut down the event” from “Republicans cancelled the event.”