
Stephen Colbert Weighs in on the Important Debate of the Week: Did Trump Say "Shithole" or "Shithouse?"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/16/2018 9:28:47 pm PST

Left over on the end of the last thread …

I’m back after a few days of mourning. Village board meeting tonight, contentious discussions about voting for pay for board members (we currently don’t get paid).

The county attorney was in an accident in the county seat in his Smart car at one of the unsigned intersections of their dirt streets - his Smart car was t-boned and totalled. I now have the only Smart car in the Panhandle.

As far as guessing weight, I have no clue. I’m 5’10” and 115# so much more than that I just say “heavier than me.”