
Basic Thermodynamics 2: The First law, Entropy and the Second Law

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/14/2010 10:36:03 am PDT

re: #8 mkelly

Since you gave the first law in an equation here is the second law for those who enjoy equations. dS = dQ/T (T in Kelvins)

Glad that you can Wiki…

Most people would have written dU = TdS - PdV. I was planning on getting into that in the next lecture.

So just out of curiosity, what does this equation mean to you?

I mean what you wrote: dS = dQ/T

I wouldn’t pin you down except for your track record of utter ignorance with certain posts.

How would you derive this? Where did it come from?

What light does the Kelvin Statement shine when the first law is written as:

dU = TdS - PdV ?

The reason I didn’t go into it this post is that the discussion of a larger or smaller heat difference and thermodynamic efficiency would have taken away from the main point I wanted to make about different micro states and information. Though in my discussion of temperature, I hinted at all the pieces for this view of Entropy.

Would you care to fill that in?

Now that you have decided to bring this, do please enlighten all of us.

To those who don’t know MKelly, one of the more irrational climate deniers on this blog, and might be wondering why I am so hostile to him, I will simply say that his “argument” that AGW violated the first law of thermodynamics, was one of the inspirations for this whole series of writings.