
Fox Nation Deliberately Inciting Racial Hatred (Again)

Ian G.1/24/2013 2:13:48 pm PST

This brings me back to the Michael Tomasky column that Charles linked to in the other thread. Normally, Tomasky’s comments section is pretty mild, if anyone posts there at all, but it was a free-for-all this morning, making me wonder if Breitbart or Malkin had linked his article.

So what was the winger response to Tomasky’s claim that the GOP would have a very difficult time attracting minorities? A whole lot of “yeah, minorities will never vote GOP as long as they’re moochers and looters of what hard-working white people rightfully earn.”

Never change, wingers. Maybe in 2016, you can drive Latino support for the Democratic candidate to north of 90% and flip Texas and Arizona in the process.