
The Walking Dead: The cool Zombies mask how much it sucks

BigPapa3/18/2013 7:04:32 pm PDT

re: #5 Destro

Yes, Rick and Hershel in the bar really was weird because zombies are like everywhere - I get that all the humans migrated into the cities and depopulated the countryside but still it was beyond belief that scene happened as is.

I actually don’t mind the slow pacing, I don’t want killing zombies every second but instead of sitting around why are they not barricading their places - they would be doing chores 24/7 in a world without electricity, etc.

It is the same feeling I have for that NBC show where electricity was somehow destroyed. How can their be a fat guy who walks around all the time?

Also, why is no one riding a bike? Why is everyone walking?

That was one of the most real scenes in the show. After 18 months of surviving and getting good at killing zombies, I’d take a moment to have a single malt with a buddy over a serious decision to be made, even if a couple of walkers were around outside.