
Video: Katrina Pierson Face-Plants Majestically on CNN

BeachDem8/13/2016 1:13:55 pm PDT

re: #81 ObserverArt

Still asking for a friend.

I get the feeling Clinton wasn’t “bragging” about it at all.

And I got that “bragging” line from this link: Esquire - Why Is Hillary Clinton Bragging About This Endorsement?

And that comes from an article by By Charles P. Pierce.

I’d be interested in what BeachDem thinks about his take about all this.

You know I dearly love Pierce, but he definitely has and has always had a bug up his ass about Hillary. And he was a pretty strong Bernie supporter (but never a “bro.”)

The other day he said that if she sought or even accepted an endorsement from Kissinger, he (Pierce) would not vote for her.

His regulars gave him some shit about that in the comments, but I don’t think he’s changed his mind.

I’m kind of disappointed, and hope that if her persists in that bit of idiocy that “Senator Professor Warren” (who he adores) will straighten his ass out.