
Video: Sassy Trump Explains His Fabulous Religious Faith

Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅4/18/2017 8:05:33 am PDT

Here’s an interesting article on net neutrality that describes the history of other monopolistic enterprises and how the future of our internet is heading down the same path.

It is not a good future path that we are heading down, either.

There are a lot of scary things happening these days, but here’s what keeps me up late at night. A handful of corporations are turning our open internet into this:

These corporations want to lock down the internet and give us access to nothing more than a few walled gardens. They want to burn down the Library of Alexandria and replace it with a magazine rack.

Why? Because they’ll make more money that way.

This may sound like a conspiracy theory, but this process is moving forward at an alarming rate.

History is repeating itself.

So far, the story of the internet has followed the same tragic narrative that’s befallen other information technologies over the past 160 years:

   •  The telegram
   •  The telephone
   •  Cinema
   •  Radio
   •  Television