
ACORN CEO's Press Release

Wendya9/16/2009 6:19:48 pm PDT

re: #546 ~Fianna

You all do realize that the same thing happens with every voter registration drive and petition that happens, right?

It’s part of the business because you can’t hire quality people to do that kind of work. It’s hard, hot, annoying and very low paid.

You get three types of people who work on voter outreach - hardcore party/ideology volunteers, people who are interested in a career in politics, and that’s how you start or people who are absolutely positively unemployable anywhere else.

That’s interesting but I’m not particularly interested in apologetics,.

ACORN is constantly under investigation for one reason. They are constantly screwing up. Now you may toss off 400K fake/fraudulent registrations as business as usual and all part of the game but it’s a serious problem that costs the taxpayers money. It needs to be addressed and if it can’t be fixed, it needs to end.

How freaking hard is it to register to vote when you get your drivers license or go to the county courthouse? If you’re serious about voting, it’s not even an inconvenience.