
Stimulating Open

Karagush2/10/2009 9:10:07 am PST

re: #54

I’m in a similar situation.

i was supposed to die before i was 20, now im 38. To them i am not worth treating because im Terminal. In Triage speak—im a black Tag.
Ive been having anxiety attacks. My Drs are the formost experts and innovators in their fields and Papers have been written on me. New stuff was done to help me live and we ALREADY had to fight tooth and nail to make it happen.
I dont know how some fuckin BEAN COUNTER is gonna give a shit whether i live or die, or the 20 year study on my case continues.

Literally Thousands of people have been helped by the research done on me.

Will that mean Jack Shit to them?

At the time i first got sick they told my mom to make me comfortable and wait for the inevitable. Then when i didnt die they said dont try aggressive rehabilitation, wont work, you’ll just waste money and make her feel bad. It not done with cases like this.
I am the FUCKIN REASON they tell people to get horses into the lives of severely ill children. They didnt know why it helped me, but it did. They are just figuring out why. But everyone reads “heartwarming” stories about it now. When i got started, they thought it was insane.

I WANT TO LIVE A LONG TIME. i need my really good Drs to keep going.