
Bad Craziness Watch: Glenn Beck Fans and Swine Flu Conspiracies

alegrias4/26/2009 7:13:05 pm PDT

re: #73 taxfreekiller

tfk gonna get to be a fly on the wall at a R deal with Michael Steel
then tfk will get one or two words in edge wise

Dear R’s,

If your so smart,,,, why is Obama in the White House and Lt. for life John F. Kerry still in the U. S. Senate?
that and all those other crazy ass commie loons runing loose with all the tax monty?
bet that will not make the news wire.

* * * *
Enjoy yourself there, TFK. I’m sure Michael Steele is chagrined as are many of us, that Massachusetts prefers manslaughterers and traitors as their Senators instead of honorable Massachusetts politicians.