
Randy Newman: 'My Life Is Good'

Birth Control Works3/17/2012 6:26:24 pm PDT

I wanna know where the wayback machine is for my sagging skin.

Or the Rhythm Machine. I had no idea it was a machine, and I’m Catholic (well, of Catholic Heritage)

Never a good combo. Lawmakers venture into murky waters when they attempt to deal with the mysteries of human reproduction. The results are generally short of scientific. Once, when I was covering the Connecticut House of Representatives, a bill introduced at the behest of professional musicians, “An Act Concerning Rhythm Machines,” was referred to the Public Health Committee under the assumption that it was about birth control.

““Now we’re seeing why legislatures getting into the practice of medicine is dangerous,” said Barbara Bollier, a Republican state representative in Kansas, where a bill requiring doctors to warn abortion patients about the breast cancer connection is pending.

Bollier is a retired anesthesiologist, who also formerly taught bioethics. If you wanted to have a rsum guaranteed to drive you crazy in the Kansas State Legislature, she’s got it.

We had a very interesting discussion over the phone about good science — what makes a reliable study, and how an early suggestion of a possible connection between abortions and breast cancer was overtaken by larger, better studies that showed no evidence of a link whatsoever. All of this has been shared with the Kansas Legislature, to no effect whatsoever. “