
Melanie Phillips Takes a Wrong Turn on 'Intelligent Design' Creationism

Bob Levin5/03/2009 11:52:02 pm PDT

I think the problem is that the issue is defined in a polarizing manner. All throughout this debate, it has been stated that belief in Gd and science needn’t be at odds. I have no doubt that this is true. But finding either the balance between the two camps, or the right perspective that allows a melding of science and religion is intellectually a very difficult task. A person can find thousands of articles taking a position on the side of science against those who have religious convictions, and a person can find another thousand articles taking a religious position while diminishing science. But how many articles can you find walking the appropriate way to join the two? Not too many. Personally, I like to read about science, and it makes me more religious. And studying religious texts makes me curious about scientific findings. The bottom line regarding Melanie Phillips, I believe she’s trying to do something that sounds much easier to do than it is doing. And even if you think it’s difficult marrying religion and science, it’s still much harder to do it.