
Sarah Palin Refudiates Self

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/14/2010 9:15:58 pm PDT

re: #892

LVQ - sorry to hear of your mom’s diagnosis.
Spend as much time as you can with her, this is a frightening and difficult time for her. I know you will.

And prayers, of course, for strength for her, you and your family.

Thank you so much. Right now, as far as the best research I can do goes, she is going to be fine. (please Hashem). My main purpose right now is to keep her spirits up, and yes of course, I talk to her everyday.

I told her this joke today and she guffawed:

An old married couple from a small town reached their 75th anniversary. The local paper sent out a reporter to do a story on them. He asked the old lady what the secret of their happy marriage was.

She smiled, patted her husband;s shoulder and said:

Ohhh… he’s so sweet, I could never divorce him!

She then asked if they would like some lemonade. The reporter said please thank you, and she got up to make some.

When they were private, the reporter asked the old man the same question, what is their secret.

The old man said…

Son, let me tell you a story. When we were first married, on our honeymoon, we took a mule packing trip to the Grand Canyon.

When we were maybe 1/3 the way down, my wife’s mule stumbled. She looked a bit cross and said “that’s once.”

when we were two thirds of the way down her mule almost tripped.

She looked real mean and said: “THAT’S TWICE!”

We made it to the bottom, by the river there, and that poor mule stumbled a third time. My wife said “That’s three times” real cold like, hopped off that poor dumb animal, pulled out an enormous pistol and BANG shot it dead, right between the eyes.

I looked at my wife. I said why did you do that? What did that poor dumb beast ever do to you? Now there are two of us at the bottom of the Grand Canyon and only one mule.

She looked at me and said:

“That’s once.”