
Breitbart's John Nolte Says Bill O'Reilly is Nuts, Pamela Geller Is Just Like Jesus

BeachDem5/08/2015 9:52:56 pm PDT

re: #87 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

In my mind, even if Brown were still alive, there would be no compelling reason to release his juvie records. They were irrelevant to the case at hand, as Wilson would not have known their details at the time of the confrontation. The only reason UpChuck wants them released is so he can bang on his racist drum and say Brown was some kind of hardened criminal who deserved the Judge Dredd treatment.

That, and it sounds like he thinks it will invalidate the entire movement trying to stop police brutality. I think it comes down to upchuck hates Shaun King and Wesley Lowrey—not sure if he’s dissed Deray McKesson yet. He hates that they’re respected writers/activists and he’s a Twitter joke. He really hates the whole #blacklivesmatter movement, because he is a racist piece of shit. Somehow, in his warped mind, he thinks he can put a stop to it all if he can prove Michael Brown wasn’t a saint. At least, that’s the way I read it.

It makes no sense to sane people, but we’re talking about upchuck here.