
Song for the Day: Madison Cunningham, "The Age of Worry"

The Ghost of a Flea6/06/2020 2:35:43 am PDT

These people—the expert, FOX, its audience, the president—have zero interest in whether their characterization of leftists is real or not. They aren’t interested in the project of describing what is. What they want is a story that lets them do whatever they want…and what they want is for anyone criticizing them to be God-defiling baby eating monsters because then they can jack off in glee rather than empathize with the people getting chewed up by LEOs. So there’s no incentive to admit that ATTACK AND DETHRONE GOD is trending because they themselves introduced the idea, and even less incentive to acknowledge that they’re being mocked. Quite the opposite, if they continue to take the notion seriously it gets them more justification to view their fellow Americans as not-American and depraved in ways that merit harm and death.

These interludes of stupid are experiments in full eliminationist thinking. They’re trying for a formula, a perfect sexy guignol story to explain why not only does there have to be the existing system of cruelty and corruption, but there should probably be a bigger, more violent system that simply removes agency from lots of people. Consistency and reason don’t matter because the proposal is that anyone that applies reason to the assertion is the enemy. And the end point is always that the crazy claims will become reasonable and “true” once everybody that would contest it is dead or terrorized into silence.

This works like the radio channel that powered the genocide in Rwanda. It was never about proof or logic, but about creating an instant emotional bypass in which your neighbor is now a Hutu and a Hutu deserves to be raped with bamboo poles and left to bleed out while you rob their house. This works like the Ahnenerbe, in that you start from the conclusion and create the language that sounds like expertise to explain how the unspeakable act was necessary, natural, inevitable, and self defense. And ultimately it will work like the process of forgetting that means that most Americans didn’t know about Tulsa and Rosewood, and don’t think too hard about what it meant for the Southerns to believe slaves were animal- and -childlike- but sexually assault enslaved women.

It doesn’t make sense because fascism never makes sense: it’s a bundle of narcissistic want demanding to be treated as an ideology, offended when people accurately observe that its intolerance is intolerable. Each participant is intoxicated. When they’re afraid, the fear is still gratifying because it confirms their worldview; and from the fear they stoke anger and the anger is justified because the fear is “true” and from there comes permissions for greater and greater cruelty and abuse of power.

One of the things I keep pointing out is that a lot of people in reactionary circles have already signed on, implicitly, for things they supposedly abhor. De facto, they’re fine with sexual abuse as long as it happens within a power framework they’re comfortable with. De facto, they fucking love civilian casualties because they’ve built a framework in which everyone they don’t like is a combatant. De facto, they don’t care the slightly about basic civil liberties and find the idea of depriving others of those liberties basically erotic.

Laugh, but just keep in mind that their plan is to have enough power to declare 2+2=5 while renacting My Lai.