
Amazing Fretwork by Marcin: Moonlight Sonata on One Guitar

Targetpractice8/10/2020 5:49:42 am PDT

re: #91 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Except by the time that happens, England will be a third world country who’s taking more than giving. I wouldn’t expect a universal OK from any country.

It took England a thousand plus years to invade and conquer its way to an empire. They’ll never be an empire again.

And that truly is the heart of the matter: The national pride of the UK is fighting against the reality that it no longer the world power it once was. The younger generations that grew up in the wake of the empire understands that and accepts that the UK is one nation among many. But those generations who grew up in the wake of WWII were raised on a steady diet of “Rule Britannia” and “We won two wars!,” so to live in a nation whose best days seem behind it is unpalatable.

While we all hate to acknowledge it, this is a cultural issue that likely will not resolve itself until elder generations have died off.