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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/28/2012 8:23:26 pm PST

As if we hadn’t enough evidence that post-election “conservatism” is really not any different that pre-election, note these two exhibits, one a letter to the editor (in Texas), another a syndicated columnist, both expressing concern about what Obama will do next:

Letter: Too many questions about what Obama will do next


I did not expect miracles had Mitt Romney been elected, but I do fear what President Barack Obama will now do.

Why? Is it not enough Obama has run roughshod over the religious beliefs of Christians?

Ask your U.S. senator to supply you with a list of the executive orders Obama has recently issued. Without a doubt, I believe with the stroke of a pen he has obtained powers for himself that no president should be able to claim.


John Grabber




Is Obama going to blow it a second time? (Jennifer Rubin, The Washington Post)

If you were under the impression President Obama learned something from his mishandling of the debt-ceiling negotiations in 2011, […] the last day or so should disabuse you of any optimism. Once again Obama can’t be troubled to put a counteroffer on the table. Once again he’s going out to the voters (when has he ever convinced them on a point of policy?). Once again he and the liberal special-interest groups have whipped themselves into a frenzy, certain that they can threaten to take us over the fiscal cliff. (Remember when the media howled, accusing the GOP of wanting the country to default in 2011?) It is a peculiar sort of regard for the middle class that delights in throwing them over the tax cliff, so long as the rich go, too.


Republicans have acted responsibly. They essentially have embraced the rough outline of the Simpson-Bowles deal: more revenue via tax reform, plus entitlement and discretionary spending cuts. That is the bipartisan formula that every commission, committee and “gang of [fill in the number]” has suggested.


“Republicans have acted responsibly”. Hmmm, I wonder in what universe Ms. Rubin resides? It was the Republicans (GWB, and in the House) that pushed for inexcusable tax reductions in parallel with pushing long and very expensive wars, the combination of which has added trillions of dollars to the total debt.