
Overnight Open Thread

Leonidas Hoplite3/06/2009 7:13:27 am PST

re: #876 Kosh’s Shadow

Wait until the mobs descend on the White House; kids who don’t even have power for their video games and iPods; stockbrokers with torches made from worthless stock certificates; etc.

0bama is incompetent. He needs his civilian force of snitches and community organizers before he ruins the economy and everyone gets upset, but he’s doing it in the opposite order.

I’d like to beleive you are right but an awful lot of sheeple voted him into power. If they beleived him in the first go around why wouldn’t they beleive him again?

“We have done a lot but it is just a beginning, a first step. More must be done and then you will see the promised land”