
New Video of Obama's 2008 Autism Statement Destroys the Claim He Was "Pandering to Anti-Vaxxers"

lawhawk2/04/2015 6:48:04 am PST

No bad deed goes unrewarded.

Benji Johnson, who was fired from Buzzfeed over plagiarism is hired by the group that exposed his plagiarism as a creative content director (aka bullshit artist).

Independent Journal Review is a conservative-leaning aggregator that exists solely because of Facebook’s bottomless appetite for jaundiced conservative headlines like “Obama Refuses to Buy His Favorite Vowel to Solve the Most Obvious Puzzle Ever About Terrorism.” Do not click that link.

I.J. Review also played a notable role in Benny Johnson’s firing from BuzzFeed. The pair of Twitter users who exposed his plagiarism, @blippoblappo and @crushingbort, did so only after Johnson pointed out that I.J. Review had plagiarized a BuzzFeed post of his about George H.W. Bush’s colorful socks: