
Sound the Alarm! Jimmy Kimmel on Bill Cassidy's Health "Care" Bill

lawhawk9/20/2017 1:16:16 pm PDT

Hey, Einsatzgruppen sounds cool. So does Sonderkommando.

So what if the KKK has leadership with titles like Grand Wizard. ////////////

The entire point is that they’ve given themselves inflated titles to perpetuate their hate, bigotry, and spur others to violence. The entire organization is a terrorist group.

It’s like someone going back and saying that bin Laden had a cool title as head honcho of al Qaeda as 1st General Emir.

No one would say that - because he was a fucking terrorist. KKK is a domestic terrorist group. Period.

The titles they gave themselves are irrelevant except to point out who was involved and their role. They are bigots and racists - and a threat to others.