
Possibly the Greatest Product Endorsement Ever: Jacob Collier, "Over the Horizon 2017"

Hecuba's daughter12/04/2017 4:50:27 am PST

re: #52 teleskiguy

Charlie Vogel, aka His Teleness the Charlie Lama
Just so y’all know, @benshapiro, who was recently profiled by The @nytimes, is a racist piece of shit who thinks anyone of Arab descent are murderers and rapists and thus should be eliminated.
1:32 AM - Dec 4, 2017

The Cool Kid’s Philosopher
Ben Shapiro’s fans apparently think he is very smart. It is not clear why.
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A friend who had been an ardent Bernie supporter with an intense dislike of Hillary but who did vote for her shares this hatred of Arabs and believes that Obama was anti-Israel, despite his financial aid to the nation. My friend does not share any of Ben’s other views. He was not happy with my suggestion that Netanyahu was responsible for Trump’s victory since so many in the Orthodox community (not all — see VB) voted for him only because they would vote for whomever Netanyahu wanted.