
Overnight Open Thread

Birth Control Works5/12/2012 6:25:22 am PDT

re: #92 Gus

Also. What happened with JP Morgan is “post regulation” or new regulations. Apparently they left “a big enough loophole that a Mack truck could drive right through it.” This means back to the drawing board with congress in both the House and the Senate.

Remember this while you’re at it. All regulations will be subject to the current political wind with either Republicans or Democrats holding the reins. Regulation is subject to political influence. Also, much like this “Mack truck” all new regulation are interpreted so as to find a new loop hole. Create a new regulation and they’ll find another loophole of financial product gimmick.

The article posted yesterday said that the financial transactions would not be allowed under the Volker Rule (sp?) —so this was old stuff—no?