
A Stunning New Lyric Video From Regina Spektor: "One Man's Prayer"

austin_blue6/24/2022 8:05:55 pm PDT

re: #83 Citizen K

I’m just quickly getting exhausted by the second-hand nihilism I feel because it’s starting to feel like pulling teeth to keep people focused on Republicans as the root cause of all of this. Everywhere, even here, seems to be falling under the lure of blaming Dems for all the ills of the world as if the GOP has no agency while they keep reaping the benefits of it all. The media has been all in on refusing to lay blame where it should (because THAT would make them ‘partisan’, so both sideing things so the guilty party looks better, that’s absolutely not partisan at all!), and the left flank has been increasingly trying to scream about denying Dems the vote, because if the Dem party collapses, that’ll magically bring about the progressive utopia once a ‘real’ leftist party emerges from the ashes (instead of, you know, just having ashes in the scorched earth left). Meanwhile, the GOP skates because they’re never held to account. Because ‘that’s just how they are, so it’s pointless to get angry at them’. Meanwhile, we persist with circular firing squads meant to ensure that we get nowhere. And I’m just feeling the energy ebb from me because I’m seeing the same trap that gave us Trump in 2016 about to kick us in the stomach in ‘22 and ‘24, because Dems are never ‘good enough’, thus they’re all to blame.

Look, I get Dems can be tone deaf. But considering the minefield they have to keep walking along with shitty media meddling and narratives, and a perfect split Senate that people keep acting like is a Green Lantern ring to make miracles with, I’m far more forgiving of them being tone deaf as long as they’re trying to point in the right direction, especially when the GOP is hitting Reverse on the entire country in hopes of bringing us back to 1861.

Umm, you do realize this was the exact reason for my post, yes? That Biden *isn’t* tone deaf but is positioning the Party for the midterms, yes? And that ancillary distractions don’t do the Dems any good leading up to the midterms whatsoever, yes?

If it’s all about Roe, and it gets out the vote, we win and can initiate a counterforce to what Trump accomplished in four disastrous years for this country. We can fix it pretty quickly with Legislation.