
Overnight Open Thread

Piglet-U933/19/2009 11:46:35 pm PDT

re: #55 Gus 802

Yeah. They could get a firm or firms to this pro bono. As someone pointed out this morning the executives in question have “nothing to lose.” However, as you pointed out unless they have the financial ability to fight this case it might not get anywhere.

Sure I would like a smaller bonuses, like most people. But we are still a country with laws and they must be respected else it is just anarchy.

I prefer to live by our country’s laws.
The bonuses were legally contracted prior to the stimuloso and included in the Porkulous package that Congress passed and TOTUS signed it. So, AIG, Congress and TOTUS are contracturally obligated to pay them.

The 90% tax is ex post facto is illegal unless some liberal judges decide to reinvent the English langauge in the constitution.