
Tuesday Night Acoustic Guitar Excellence: Trevor Gordon Hall, "Midnight and Raining"

lawhawk4/26/2017 6:20:12 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the Resistance in the NYC metro area.

The bros are still at it (as if they’ve never stopped).

Barro’s busy bitching about Obama taking money from bank speeches. Like anyone ignores the irony of Trump claiming that Goldman Sachs was the big bag, and ended up taking the entire Goldman Sachs staff and installing their dregs in jobs they’re ill-suited for (the House of Steves - Bannon, Mnuchin, etc.).

No, the hypocrisy is thick there.

And the Bernie bros are still active too - busy complaining that if only we nominated the guy who got fewer votes, fewer delegates, and won fewer states in the primaries, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

Talk about rigging a process - all while the guy has repeatedly stated he’s not a Democrat.

So today’s going to be busy with Trump pushing his tax cuts that will explode the debt, and a lot of people suddenly becoming tax experts (getting their Twitter CPA and LLMs in the process).

Trump’s core proposal is cutting the corporate tax rate down to 15%.

Mind you, while the marginal rate is 35%, the effective rate is about 20% - or less, depending on the industry (for utilities, the effective rate is 10%!).

So, if Trump cuts this tax, revenues will collapse, and the burdens will flow to those who can’t afford them.

Of course, all this is being pushed by Arthur Laffer and his acolytes who continue to believe the Laffer Curve will prove to be real, when it’s yet to result in higher revenues.