
Video: Samantha Bee Has a New Panel of Censors to Stop Her From Breaking the Internet Again

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/07/2018 2:57:18 pm PDT

JBS comes to the aid of Patterson et. al.:

From a comment at that New American article:

patrriot Linda JJ • a day ago
We joined a Methodist Church in Las Vegas Near Palo Verde High School and quit going because the Preacher specifically promoted the gay, lesbian, transgender agenda and celebrated Black History Month the entire month of February with speakers that blasted the White audience for their treatment of blacks before and after the Civil War. Knew we were in the wrong place with the WRONG AGENDA. Haven’t found a new church. It’s been four years. We listen to Dr. Stanley out of Atlanta! Much Better!

Imagine that, celebrating the Black History Month for the entire month.

Oh, the torture that “patrriot” endured.