
John Oliver's Latest Brilliant Report: Robocalls [VIDEO]

ObserverArt3/11/2019 12:18:18 pm PDT

If anyone caught the crazy guy explaining his theory on how he knows the earth is flat thought he was crazy you would be right. But he really is crazier than that.

I checked his YouTube channel because I wanted to see if he had any other crazy shit to say. He doesn’t have a lot of YouTube videos, many are of him playing guitar badly.

But this one is the mother lode of cray-cray. He is discussing Q, the great awakening and the walk-away movement along with some Christian sermonizing and Trump…of course.

It’s long, but all you need to do is click on a spot and listen for a moment, the click on another spot on the time line, etc.

All I will say is: “they” are out there. Beware!

Prophetic Significance of Q, the Great Awakening & the Walk Away Movement