
FBI Investigates 'Suspicious Incident' in Virginia

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/24/2010 12:29:11 pm PDT

re: #82 JoyousMN

Good news Ludwig.

Yes it really is. It’s good news for everyone.

From the start of this hullabloo, I have wondered why in G-d’s name any average American would fight to help insurance companies fuck them over.

The insurance industry exists by profiting off of your fear of suffering and cutting corners to your detriment if you actually are suffering and need them.

It’s a weird inversion of the old horror movies where the villagers go out with torches - only rather than hunting the vampire, they yell epithets at and threaten Van Helsing. WE DEMAND THE VAMPIRE HAS RIGHTS TO SUCK OUR BLOOD! How dare you socialists get in the way of the Count’s rights!