
Overnight Video: Mitt Romney vs. Reality

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/06/2012 4:12:19 am PDT

re: #92 Kronocide

As the comments at that Mother Jones article shows, the MJ crowd itself gets mired down in rather useless dead ends arguing about this or that particular matter. And many of the commenters don’t seem particularly well versed in the subject matter at hand (e.g., relativity, climatology, evolution, etc.)

Mooney, while courageous to take on the willful ignorance our political operatives love to manipulate, cannot himself escape the career ladder he is trying to build for himself, as a spokesman for science versus a political society that cares only about “sides” or “parties”. He is rather clearly trying to appeal to a Mother Jones type of customer base.

It is impossible to not be part of the problem. Any engagement in the political struggle will make one a partisan.