
James Taylor Live: Jump Up Behind Me

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/10/2012 4:23:43 pm PDT

I see our friends at the JBS are concerned about our children’s schools, and tells us how to evaluate them:

How to Evaluate Your Child’s School (Part 3)


Back in the old days when I was in primary school, my teacher was not interested in my feelings about arithmetic or cursive writing. She just wanted us to memorize the arithmetic facts and write the words neatly and correctly. Bloom goes on (p. 26):

By educational objectives, we mean explicit formulations of the ways in which students are expected to be changed by the educative process…. The philosophy of education of the school serves as one guide, since the objectives to be finally included should be related to the school’s view of the “good life for the individual in the good society.”

That’s how humanists view the purpose of life: to achieve the “good life in a good society.” The aim of the cognitive domain, Bloom writes, is to “develop a basic knowledge of the evolutionary development of man. … A knowledge of the forces, past and present, which have made for the increasing interdependence of people all over the world…. Knowledge of a relatively complete formulation of the theory of evolution.” (p.71)

That is why the theory of evolution is the keystone of today’s education and why creationism must be kept out. Evolution is the one idea that can turn a young head away from creation to the idea that we all evolved from the primal ooze out of which organic matter was formed. The breath of life did not come from the living God who gave every individual a soul. We came from an ooze, where inorganic matter somehow decided to become organic and reproduce itself. That’s all it takes in a child’s mind to debunk the entire Bible and accept the idea that he is an animal, no different from all of those other animals in the zoo.


What the NEA is essentially calling for is the legal kidnapping of American children so that they can mold them into left-wing, Democrat-humanists. As Bloom said, the earlier you get them the better. If your state legislature extends the reach of the public school into your infant’s upbringing from birth to age eight, you can kiss your child’s Christian religion goodbye.


Beware those nasty union teachers, they just want to kidnap your children and turn them into Darwinists!!