
Programmer Who Introduced 'Heartbleed' Bug Speaks

Romantic Heretic4/10/2014 4:09:45 pm PDT

re: #10 Charles Johnson

What a lot of programmers forget is that when you program in C you’re actually rooting around in the RAM of the computer. That’s why it’s called a “low-level” language — you have access to the bare metal. With great power comes great responsibility, and it’s more important than ever these days to be very aware of security in all code that runs on the web.

C is pretty much why I gave up being a programmer. There was something about it I just did not ‘get’. I was always uncomfortable with it and it never failed to unpleasantly surprise me.

I much preferred Niklaus Wirth’s work like Pascal and Oberon.

But it was obvious the future was going to be C and I was never going to be good at C, so I left the business.