
Watch the First 4 Minutes of the Walking Dead, Season 5

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/12/2014 6:52:47 pm PDT

More America, 2014:

White: Parents, not government, should decide what’s best for kids

Throughout President Barack Obama’s tenure in office, we have heard about First Lady Michelle Obama’s initiatives to limit school meals to only include “healthy” food. While they may seem harmless, Michelle Obama’s actions represent yet another assault on our liberty from the White House.


Through competition among schools, parents would be able to select the best option for their child and prices would come down. Parents would be allowed to choose which curriculum (such as creationism vs. evolution) to have their children taught from. Bad schools would quickly fail, as students would no longer be restricted to going to school in their “district,” and would switch to another school, or their parents could homeschool them.


Few things are derpier than creationism cross-bred with glibertarianism.