
Right Wing Bloggers and Rush Limbaugh Fall For Las Vegas Man's Hoax About Harry Reid's Injuries

HRH Stanley Sea4/26/2015 4:19:01 pm PDT

So my ex sister in law’s daughter rescued a cat from an acquaintance who was going to take it to the shelter. SIL asked me if I was interested. I thought about it for two days, decided ya, this is the time. I’m over here to meet the cat and her (teenage) daughter decided she has the power & said no.

The cat is so sweet & I’m quite upset.

This is when I reflect & am so glad I was never a parent, because how this kid rules the fuck over them. Daughter does nothing in cat care mom does all. She has 2 other mom cared for cats. But mom has no power over the teen.

Damn it.