
Now We Know Why Tillerson Called Trump a "Moron" - He Wanted to Increase the US Nuclear Arsenal Tenfold

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈10/11/2017 12:27:18 pm PDT

re: #74 danarchy

The big difference is cigarettes and alcohol, to be frank, taste pretty nasty, or at least are an acquired taste. A toddler isn’t likely to sip some vodka and then say yum and drink the rest of the bottle, or smoke a whole pack of cigarettes.

Marijuana edibles are delicious. If you are going to bring marijuana brownies or cookies or candies into a house with a small child you really have to be as careful with them as you would be with a loaded gun.

I think you’re thinking of heroin. You need to keep the stuff from the kids, but no one is going to die due to letting a kid get a brownie. Guns are a unique danger.