
When Abortion Was Illegal: Untold Stories (1992)

Killgore Trout6/13/2012 6:30:05 pm PDT

A bit of drama around here tonight. I was working in the greenhouse and heard screeching brakes and a collision out front. Somebody ran a stop sign and nailed a cyclist. Judging from the sounds of things he was probably going 40-50 mph. threw the cyclist over the car and almost onto the sidewalk. The driver tried to run but noticed witnesses and stopped about a block away. I went in and got some paper towels which is the extent of my first aid expertise . I got a pen and paper out of my car to write down the diver’s plate # just in case. Once they saw me writing their plate # down they took off. Ambulance and police were here in under 5 minutes. His wife showed up after he was taken off and I agreed to store his bike in the basement. I took the liberty of storing his bag of cherries and oranges in the fridge.
One of the first helpers on the scene was an off duty EMT. Asked the cyclist who the president was. He said “Joe Biden” and laughed. “just kidding, It’s the Obama Man”.