
Video: Hamas Tactics in the Gaza Strip

dhg44/27/2009 2:01:54 pm PDT

re: #73 zombie

Hamas’ main weapon is neither rockets nor mortars but instead the Israelis’ sense of morality.

Hamas is protecting itself with the Jewish commandment to preserve innocent life at all costs.

Imagine if Hamas was using the same tactics against the 13th century Mongols. The Mongols would simply exterminate the entire city without the slightest compunction, because they had a different moral code. Same is true of the way the Nazis dealt with the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto and other ghettos: They’d kill everyone as punishment for the actions of the few.

But Israel won’t do that. And Hamas knows it.

Hamas, though its actions, is simply proving the moral superiority of the Jewish state.

That, of course, is the more general point about Palestinians. If their enemies weren’t the Israelis, they would have ceased to exist long ago. Imagine, for example, how successful they’d be in promoting their independence if Judea and Samaria had been in the hands of Jordan for the past 42 years.