
Abbas: We won't recognize Israel as Jewish state

Bob Levin8/29/2011 7:24:04 pm PDT

Folks, he’s Jew Baiting. Here’s where he wants to go: that Israel is like Nazi Germany, the Palestinians being in the role of the Jews.

He’s setting traps, if Judaism is a religion, then it’s exclusive and therefore racist. He’s said as much. If Judaism is an ethnicity, then Israel is in the act of ethnic cleansing. The Rosetta Stone for all of this is his use of Lieberman to represent all the citizens and government of Israel.

He himself doesn’t even recognize the existence of the State of Israel, calling it a UN fabrication. He’s changed history, and sticks to this revision irregardless of any historical facts that come his way.

He’s demonstrated a will disregard for any history before the years of 1967, and in typical BBC fashion, he somehow sees a parallel between the situation in Northern Ireland and the Middle East.

He also has no knowledge of American history, European history, world history. The only thing he knows is that, in his mind, the Jewish people are fascists and racists. That is John Carroll.