
Melanie Phillips Takes a Wrong Turn on 'Intelligent Design' Creationism

Mike LaSalle5/04/2009 6:06:05 pm PDT

Tulane professor of mathematical physics Frank J. Tipler developed an incontrovertible mathematical proof for the existence of God over 10 years ago in the Omega Point Theory.

Oxford professor David Deutsch — winner of the Paul Dirac award — is perhaps the world’s foremost authority on quantum mechanics. In his book, The Fabric of Reality, Deutsch devoted much of chapter 14 to an analysis of Tipler’s Omega Point Theory (OPT).

Bottom line: Tipler’s math has been PEER REVIEWED and found flawless. Even Hawking has acknowledged this.

I think it’s normal for eople who have already made an intellectual commitment to atheism to be threatened by the idea that God could be established through hard logic and mathematics. But sometimes you have to face the facts, no matter how unappealing they might appear to you.

Heck, Chris Langan — the “smartest man in Ameica” with a IQ of 210 — included an Intelligent Creator in his Theory of Everything (just google it).

But science bureaucrats and bloggers left and right happily stuff their fingers into their ears and shout incessantly, “Intelligent Design is CREATIONISM! Intelligent Design is CREATIONISM!” over and over again, like bratty little kids, until the threat goes away.

When did America get so old and stupid?

Mike LaSalle