
Overnight Open Thread

Killgore Trout2/04/2009 8:22:14 am PST

The Vatican gives the finger to the civilized world…..
Georg Ratzinger slams Angela Merkel over criticism

“He doesn’t need me to defend him. But it angers me how unjust and badly informed the people who are attacking him are,” the Regensburg Music Director, ‘Domkapellmeister’, Georg Ratzinger told German newspaper ‘Leipziger Volkszeitung’. He finds the harsh criticism the Pope has received from people in his native Germany, as well as from the rest of the world, unjust: “We always speak about an informed society, when in reality it is uninformed.”

Georg Ratzinger (85) finds German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open criticism of the Pope particularly disappointing: “I always saw her as a rational woman. But perhaps at the moment she is under pressure to say something irrational.”