
Stephen Colbert: Trump Hates White House Leaks, According to White House Leaks

ipsos5/22/2018 1:30:23 pm PDT

Hey, so remember around this time yesterday when I tried to reach out for an honest conversation with a FB friend/IRL acquaintance who was applauding the “animals” statement from the White House?

This guy’s been in a very bad place lately - a close family member has been hospitalized in a coma for the last few weeks and isn’t getting better. So I’m not sure if it was just anger over that that led him to lash out at me this morning as a “liberal asshole” with “phony compassion.”

Dunno why I was expecting anything better. It’s just sad to see the wedges this administration and this mentality is driving between people who once called each other friends. My only response to him was to tell him (accurately and sincerely) that I’m going to keep praying for his family member to get better.

This world just makes me so fucking sad these days.

(Oh, and one of this guy’s FB friends started ranting at me for being a communist, etc. Strangers like that, I’ll ignore and block. But I’m not blocking my friend, because I do really want to know how things go with his family member.)