
Wednesday Night Book Thread

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion6/10/2009 11:26:13 pm PDT

re: #88 iceweasel

During the Bush administration, some of my lefty friends became unbearable to be around and I had to distance myself from them (they went especially ape shit over the Iraq war, so I was antisocial from about 2003 to 2008). I’m seeing hints of this from my right-of-center friends now, not as bad as the lefties were but it’s slowly creeping out. I fear that I might have to go through this again. I’m going to try to avoid it or see if I can get into ‘agree to disagree’ treaties with them if need be.

As far as blogs go. LGF is only vaguely politically related blog I go to now. All of the “Conservatives” on the net seem to have a healthy dose of “It’s our turn to be lunatics now” and I have no time for moonbattery other than to occasionally mock it.