
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton2/22/2009 8:00:59 am PST

re: #970 3 wood

I don’t think Obama has any intention of even trying to balance the budget. He is going to spend, spend, and then spend some more.

I don’t believe a word of what he said about that.

I’m just guessing here, but I think he now realizes the damage that he did to the market by screaming “catastrophe” for 3 weeks, and is now trying to talk the market back. Too late.

With the way inflation will have to skyrocket (M2 is growing by 13%) there is no way they can cut the deficit, except by inflating the debt.

So, this is going to tank? Like I have said before, I know nothing about this except what my common sense tells me. Common sense tells me there is no way to stop what he is doing, going to do until HE stops it, or backs off his policies.

Since he has control of the house and congress, short of his own party turning against him, the ride is all downhill from here.