
Sociopaths Salivating Over Adult Dating Site Hack

Targetpractice5/22/2015 12:44:06 pm PDT

re: #88 EPR-radar

For that extra special bit of GOP ratfucking malice, the effective limit is really $20, since ATMs usually only have $20 bills. Combine that with a 1-2 $ transaction fee to get a 5-10% stealth tax on poor people, that goes right into the pockets of the corrupt fat cats that implemented the system.

Of course, for the GOP this reverse Robin Hood act pretty much is the proper function of government.

For the GOP, this is just another step towards zeroing out the social safety net. In their minds, they’re “weening” them off support by slowly closing the tap. This is that “compassionate conservatism” we heard so much about.