
Pope's Foot-Wash a Final Straw for Traditionalist Catholics

Destro4/02/2013 4:43:42 pm PDT

re: #10 Jimmah

Milosevic did not persecute Muslims in Bosnia no matter what the western press says. The Serbs were fighting a defensive war against rebels that linked themselves to genocidal regimes from WW2. The Bosnian Muslim breakaway state had as president a former Nazi SS supporter who declared democracy was not compatible with Islam and in Croatia you had a breakaway regime that rehabilitated Nazi era nationalist symbols and was recruiting neonazis to fight on their side.

These Bosnian Muslims did not just happen to have 2 9/11 terrorists in their army, they had a whole corps of head chopping jihadist in their service.

In New York, where I am from we actually have had Croatian nationalists set off terrorist bombs that killed New Yorkers and Bosnian Muslim jihadists that killed New Yorkers. So why should I support their cause against the Serbs?

Last but not least it was the Serbs that were ethnic cleansed from Croatia and Kosovo under the watchful and I dare say approving eyes of the Western powers that cloaked their geopolitics in “humanitarian war” terms